Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Progress & Party Plans

Success again today, at least with getting in the workout.  I think this habit of planning the night before is the way to go.  And even though I had a slice and a half of leftover pizza for lunch, I bypassed the really yummy smelling In-and-Out even though I was out late running errands.  So that's progress.  That's an achievement.  That's a change in lifestyle I'm proud of.   And the Sunflower Salad I had was delicious!

Then we went out tonight and I got a small sugar-free slurpee and smoothie.  I'm not saying I say no to absolutely everything that's not vegan.  My goal is balance.  But I enjoyed what I had all the more because I knew I had exercised and eaten well the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is Sammy's birthday, and just like every other day this week I am going to get up earlier and do my best to exercise.  I've got to keep it going to make it a real habit.  The weight I've lost feels so good, and I want to keep up with the progress.  My goal is 1 cupcake- that's it.  And 1 otter pop.  I want to enjoy the party but not use it as an excuse to gorge.  Positive thoughts....positive thoughts...

Good luck to any of you on the same journey!


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