About Me

I started struggling with body image issues in college and even battled an eating disorder for a time.  After being anorexic and realizing it was wrong to starve myself, I became Bulimic.  Then I also came to terms with the damage that was doing to my body.  So I would binge, but not purge.  I put on 30 lbs in a couple months.  I had shame regarding my body and shame about what I was doing to it.  I had been very physically active, but now cared too much about pleasing others and looking a way that would get me more compliments.  In the end, with differing opinions coming from different people and trying to please everyone, I was never happy with myself.  That sadness was damaging to my relationships and is a place I hope to never return to.  

My challenge with food continued through my pregnancies as I had a LOT of morning sickness. I had to snack on crackers all the time.  I had to constantly have something in my stomach so the battle continued.  My addiction and anxiety over food was so overwhelming I couldn't even make my son a bottle in the middle of the night without bingeing on something.  That was an unbearable low.  Sitting on the floor of the kitchen, balling.  Or sometimes in my bed, afraid of going to the kitchen and making a late night bottle for my child.  I didn't want to keep gaining weight, but I didn't know ow to stop either.

Little by little, I've overcome my food addiction.  It feels so good to not be afraid of food anymore.  I can feel safe in my kitchen at any hour of the day.  It's been a long process, but the changes are real.  Now I eat mostly vegetables and fruits, with a light amount of meat, yogurt and the occasional piece of bread.  I've learned my body doesn't digest starches well, and getting plugged up leads to more toxins in my body which in turn leads to low energy and bad moods!  My family is worth the healthy choices, and my body is adjusting.  

Documenting the nutritious choices I make and healthy weight-loss efforts helps me stay on track.  That's what this blog is about.  It's been really rewarding to encourage others on a quest for better health.  It's been a life style change as an adult that I am loving, because I am starting to feel like I did in high school again- happy and healthy.

If you would like to get to know me even better and see more of my pictures, feel free to check out my other blogs! 

"Uplifting Eva" is about uplifting both myself and anyone who journeys with me.  I developed depression and anxiety with my food issues.  At its worst I wanted to take my life.  Now, I am happy, functioning and see my life as valuable and worthwhile.  I by no means have a perfect life, but by focusing on the positive I hope to never regress into that dark tunnel of depression again.  I also believe that the greatest good that can come from the trials my family faced due to my illness, is helping others get through similar challenges.  None of us is ever alone when we open up to each other, and I do my best to be honest and still hopeful on my blog.... www.evamelissabarnett.blogspot.com    

I also homeschool and love documenting that adventure!  For crafts and other educational fun...www.happinessishomeschooling.blogspot.com

Our family adventures and holidays can be seen here... 

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and make it a priority (as hard as it is sometimes!) to creatively teach my kids the Gospel.  For ideas on teaching your children about Christ Like my Facebook page LDS Little Ones and check out my blog... www.ldslittleones.blogspot.com

Finally, I love taking family portraits and have been busy at it for the past 3 years.  You can see my work, client reviews and modest pricing at www.evabarnettphotography.blogspot.com.

I love having readers, sharing parenting ideas and struggles, and the support that's out there when we learn from each other! Thank you again for visiting!  Come back often!  Follow, share and comment!  Let's learn to enjoy this journey together...

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